About Us

We’re an active Church of England Parish located in rural South Bucks. Our Church family includes a wide variety of people and this is reflected in the diversity of our worship.
While we are most active on Sundays, our engagement with the community extends throughout the week. We run house groups, coffee mornings, informal services and music rehearsals as well as many other activities. All of these are opportunities for friendship, prayer, and study of the Bible.

Our Teachings 

All of our teaching is grounded in the Bible. Liturgy, the sacraments and music are ever-present and cherished in our worship.
We aim to be genuinely relevant to modern men and women, and that all who attend our church feel part of a caring family. We hope that through our teachings and worship, they may encounter something of the transforming love of Jesus Christ in our midst.


Our Church Family

Our parish is run by wonderful and dedicated people, who play a variety of roles within it. At its heart, our church is a thriving and loving family.

We have a vibrant church community in which everyone plays their part. In response to God’s generosity, our parishioners are generous with their time, their talents and their money. This makes everything that we do possible, day to day and week to week.
Additionally, we are able to host many customary events within our village. It is a privilege to be an active and holy presence within our local area. In particular, our concerts are a regular and joyful part of village life.
We are dedicated to nurturing children and young people within our community. We put great emphasis on our youth work and are proud of our well-established Junior Church programme.

We look forward to welcoming you into our family.


Churches in Our Parish 

We have three churches within our parish.

St Peter & St Paul, Great Missenden, is the Parish Church. St Mary's Ballinger and Little Hampden Church are smaller churches serving their local village communities.


  • St Peter & St Paul

The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul was originally built in the 14th and 15th centuries and is located a mere 300 meters from the old centre of Great Missenden. A grade I listed building, it is the picturesque and active heart of our village. Read more

  • Little Hampden

Dated to at least the 12th century and almost completely rebuilt in the mid 1800s, Little Hampden Church was joined to the parish of Great Missenden in the 1980s. It provides a quaint and calm place of worship for its local parishioners. Read more

  • St Mary's Ballinger

Originally built as a small school in 1873, St Mary’s is now used for some regular church services on the first Sunday of each month, as well as for a small number of special family services throughout the year. Read more

Our Staff Team

Our friendly staff team play a variety of roles within the church. You can read more about our individual staff members (and put names to faces) here.

If you would like to contact a particular member of staff, you can find all of the contact information you need on our contact page.


Children's and Youth Leader  - We are seeking someone to work an average of 8-12 hours per week, including regular Sunday mornings.  We would be open to engaging someone during term time only but would prefer someone with the flexibility to take on some holiday commitments. Please contact the Church office for more details - ring 01494 862352 or email office@missendenchurch.org.uk.

The Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) takes care of the three Church buildings and the people who visit them. They are responsible for overseeing finances, fund-raising, the fabric of the Church and grounds, and for planning.

Meet our current PCC members here.


We are proud that St. Peter and St Paul Church is officially an A Rocha Eco church with a Silver Award. You can learn more about our commitments to the local and wider environment here.


We actively serve the local and wider community in a variety of ways. You can read about the charities that we support here.