
Please find information here for specific details of services until November 2024.

St Peter and St Paul

Regular weekly services take place at the following times

  • 8am: Book of Common Prayer
  • 10am: Parish Communion 
  • 6pm: Evensong
  • 9.30am Holy Communion
Please join us for coffee after the 10am service. If you are unable to join us in church,  the 10am services will be streamed live on Facebook from Church; to join click here.

Little Hampden 

Services at Little Hampden take place on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 11:30am with coffee at 11am.

St Mary’s Ballinger

We have Holy Communion or Morning Prayer on the first Sunday of every month, typically at 9:30am (as well as special family services at Easter, Harvest and at Christmas.)

New to Church

Find out more about joining our friendly congregation on our dedicated page for newcomers.

Junior Church

We are passionate about our Children and Young people and they are an integral part of our congregation.
Our MAP and IGNITE groups meet during term time during our 10am Sunday services.
MAP is for children aged from Reception to Year 4
IGNITE is for children aged from Year 5 to Year 8
You can find much more information about our Junior Church groups on our Children and Young People page.

Weddings, Christenings & Funerals

We would be very pleased to assist you in organising your wedding, christening or funeral service arrangements. Please visit the pages below for more information