Safeguarding Our Community

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Safeguarding is the Responsibility of Everyone. We need an awareness of the issues and how to act when there are concerns. We all play an integral role in developing Healthy Churches. We are committed to safeguarding children, adults, everyone of all ages. As a church community, each year we commit ourselves anew to our Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed here.

This policy must be adhered to by all Church workers. It must also be followed by any users of the Church or the Oldham Hall. 

Other policies can be seen on the Policies page which can be viewed here.

The following have been appointed to help us fulfil the recommendations and requirements of safeguarding within the Church of England including enabling DBS checks; access to recommended and required courses; and promoting an awareness of everyone’s responsibility in ensuring our churches are safe spaces.

  • Alan Mustoe, Parish Safeguarding Officer (leading policy and overseeing practice) and Recruiter (managing the process)
  • Elisabeth Hubach, (administration and verification of documents)
If you need to contact someone regarding safeguarding or child protection, please contact:
Alan Mustoe- Parish Safeguarding Officer
07725 909733

From ‘Promoting a Safer Church’, The Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy.
‘The Church of England is called to share the good news of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. The life of our communities and institutions is integral to how we address this task. The good news speaks of welcome for all, with a particular regard for those who are most vulnerable, into a community where the value and dignity of every human being is affirmed and those in positions of responsibility and authority are truly trustworthy. Being faithful to our call to share the gospel therefore compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has.’

For Further Information please visit the Diocesan Safeguarding website here.