

Safeguarding refers to the collection of measures that ensure children, young people, and vulnerable adults are protected from abuse, harm and neglect. As a church community each year we commit ourselves renew to our Safeguarding Policy.

The full policy can be seen here.

The Safeguarding Page can be seen here.

Hiring the Churches or the Oldham Hall

When hiring one of the Churches or the Oldham Hall we ask that that those hiring either building do their best to ensure (a) the safety of everyone involved in their event and (b) the careful use of these historic buildings. To this end we require that due regard is given to the following documents.

Safeguarding Policy - Promoting a Safer Church (see link above)

Church of England - Code of Safer Working Practice. See here.

Hiring our Church Premises and Safeguarding, to be signed the Hirer. See here.

Oldham Hall Booking Agreement, to be signed by the Hirer. See here.

St Peter & St Paul Booking Agreement, to be signed by the Hirer. See here.


Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Religious data is deemed to be sensitive data by the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR"). As all the data we hold can be seen to be indicative of religious belief, even when this data is not actually stored, we treat all the data we hold as though it were sensitive.

The full policy can be seen here.

Safer recruitment

The Parochial Church Council undertakes to take all reasonable steps to prevent those who might harm children or adults from taking up in our Churches, positions of respect, responsibility or authority, where they are trusted by others. 

The full policy can be seen here.

Recruitment of ex-offenders

By adopting this policy the Parochial Church Council undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a criminal record check on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed. 

The full policy can be seen here.


Whistleblowing is the name given to the act of the disclosure of information to the relevant authority by an individual who knows, or suspects, that another individual or a group of individuals within the authority is responsible for or taken part in some wrongdoing.

The full policy can be seen here.