Fabric Forward

Future-proofing the building of St Peter & St Paul 

As you may have been aware in recent months the Fabric Team has been active looking ahead to future-proof the church building in terms of:

  • Meeting the needs of the congregation and the community of preserving the building for generations to come
  • Providing adequate facilities for worship services as well as other events such as weddings, funerals, christenings, etc
  • Meeting the needs of Junior Church
  • Facing the challenges of net-zero and looking for sustainable energy options
  • Anticipating the development of the community engagement with the church
  • Looking at making the church a better and more flexible space for events such as concerts, festivals and special occasions
  • Becoming a ‘Community Hub’ for people in Great Missenden

To that end we need your support to evolve and develop a “Statement of Need’ to be our mission for future-proofing this wonderful building and connecting church and community as well as preserving it for generations after us.

Please share your ideas, wishes and vision with us and feed into the overall ‘Mission Statement’ for this church.  Only with your support will we have a chance to steer the vision in the right direction and hope to realise some worthwhile improvements.  Please send your ideas via email to office@missendenchurch.org.uk or leave suggestions to the ‘Fabric Team’ in writing at the back of the church or talk to any member of the PCC to share your vision and ideas. You can print this form to record your thoughts.